Forza Petroleum (formerly, Oryx Petroleum) was founded in September 2010.
Key events since our founding include:
- Acquired a 65% participating interest in the Hawler license area, an exploration license area that at the time of its acquisition covered 1,532 km2 in the central part of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq
- Completed a C$250 million initial public offering on the Toronto Stock Exchange
- Commissioned initial production facilities at the Demir Dagh field in the Hawler license area, and commenced production
- Completed C$224 million public offering of common shares
- Commissioned the Hawler production facilities at Demir Dagh with initial gross (100%) oil production capacity of 40,000 bbl/d. These facilities replaced the temporary production facilities installed in 2014
- Zeg Oil and Gas Ltd. subscribes for 75.6 million common shares of Forza Petroleum for cash consideration of $30 million
- Commenced sales via export pipeline from the Hawler license area
- Commenced production and sales from the Zey Gawra field in the Hawler license area
- Completed financial re-structuring and re-capitalisation. Principal shareholders, including Zeg Oil and Gas Ltd, subscribe for 161.9 million common shares of Forza Petroleum for consideration of $54.1 million
- Commenced production and sales from the western fault block of the Banan field in the Hawler license area
- Zeg Oil and Gas Ltd acquired majority control of Forza Petroleum
- Settled significant debt in full through the transfer of our only remaining exploration interest offshore West Africa
- Through a court-approved Plan of Arrangement, Zeg Oil and Gas Ltd acquires all common shares held by minority shareholders
- Forza Petroleum ceases to be a reporting issuer